Who Needs TV?

Who needs TV Who needs TV cd insert Who needs TV

Now available for digital download at the following sites
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This album is an eclectic mix of music ranging from uptempo disco through pop, rock, blues and punk to a couple of accoustic offerings.

It’s varied but it did seem to me that it kinda flowed well. I hope you agree.

The title? Well, who needs TV when you’ve got music?

  1. Old Gits
    Old Gits rule OK?
  2. Dreary Dreary Me
    A drinking song with lyrics by Tony Groves
  3. Fish
    Other fish to fry? Give it a try.
  4. Politicians
    Love ’em or hate ’em – we’re stuck with them.
  5. Ghosts
    Another Tony Groves lyric. An accoustic offering about life.
  6. Dark Place
    An uptempo Tony Groves song about despair and loneliness
  7. Happy Birthday!
    Lyrics by Flaxen Saxon about Lord only knows what. Could become a birthday standard – but I doubt it!
  8. Andrew Lloyd Webber
    Wouldn’t mind the money, but I wouldn’t want to be him
  9. My Song 16
    If you can think of a better title then let me know
  10. Saturday Night
    Prefuelled and out on the piss? Then this song is for you!
  11. Everybody’s Fucked but Me
    I really have to explain what this song is all about?
  12. The TV’s Broken
    To be honest, the rubbish that’s on it could make this a relief!
  13. Seasons
    Ending on a softer note with an accoustic number

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