Shooting for Pork

Pork front cover Pork back cover Pork inside cover

Now available for digital download at the following sites
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“Shooting for Pork” is a bit heavier than my last album which was more blues based. This time, I’ve concentrated on rock and gone more up tempo.

Apologies that this page has been some time coming as the album has been out for a while and seems to have been well received, so a big thank you to all who have streamed or bought it.

  1. I Don’t Wanna be Your Friend
    This is actually a blues track although most of the rest aren’t
  2. They Wanna Run Me Outa Town
    Faintly reminiscent of one of my favourite bands, ZZ Top
  3. You Know What You Can Do
    Self explanatory…
  4. Hard Man
    Dedicated to a bloke who threatened to punch my lights out
  5. Sweet Little Rock ‘n’ Roll Girls
    See how many rock ‘n’roll titles you can spot in this one
  6. Little Miss Prissy Prissy
    Whiter than white and holier than thou? Then this is about you.
  7. Single
    Remember those good old days before the ol’ ball and chain?
  8. Black Jack
    A drinking song. Write about what you know best!
  9. Doing What You’re Doing
    A song about bad girls, released as a single
  10. Dog End Day
    A collaboration with lyricist Tony Groves. Not a happy song!
  11. Shooting for Pork
    If pigs could fly…
  12. Way of the World
    A healthy note of cynicism about the state of the world