
Handyman front cover Handyman back cover Handyman inside cover

Now available for digital download at the following sites
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  1. Bad News Girl
    A friend of mine comments : ‘You just wrote the story of my life!’ – a compliment indee.
  2. Stupid People
    We all know a few, don’t we?
  3. Rock ‘n’Roll Man
    Autobiographcal – a long word for me…
  4. Handyman
    The title track is a straight blues number – nothing to do with James Taylor’s track of the same name
  5. Learning to fly
    Better a has been than a never was
  6. Highway Blues
    A classic blues song
  7. Take the Money and Run
    Good advice. A job is just a job
  8. Going Home
    You know when you’ve had enough
  9. Shadows
    A gentle number about feeling out of touch with the world
  10. We’re Through
    An uptempo number to round of the album